University of Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Lahore Pakistan is looking to hire highly qualified, determined and hardworking Pakistani citizens for various vacant positions, hence inviting applications from such suitable individuals on a prescribed format. University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Jobs Opportunity 2015 are open for recruitment against academic and non academic posts, as mainly for Professor, Lecturer, Librarian, Veterinary Officer, Assistant and other lower grade posts. Check the eligibility criteria and other details about all vacancies below.
University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Jobs Opportunity 2015 Details:
Name of Post | No. of Posts | Eligibility Conditions/Qualification |
Professor (BPS- 21) | 03 | P.hD from recognized University + 15 Years of Experience |
Associate Professors | 06 | P.hD from recognized University + 10 Years of Experience |
Assistant Professors | 16 | P.hD from recognized University + Communication and Writing Skills |
Lecturer (PS-18) | 09 | M.Phil/M.S in Relevant discipline |
Veterinary Officer | 01 | Doctor of Veterinary DVM ist class/B-Grade/CGPA 3.0 |
Assistant Director | 01 | MBA/ACMA/M.COM |
Assistant Librarian | 01 | M.A 2nd Division |
Medical Technologist | 01 | B.SC Medical Technology/M.SC Chemistry/Bio/Medical Tech |
Many Other posts for Technician, Assistant, Supervisor Driver and Sweeper |
Varies | See notification annexed below. |
How to apply:
Download application form mentioned below from official website and send it with required and attested copies of academic certificates, while for lower grade posts ranging from serial No. 11 to 19 applications should be sent on plan paper to the address: Registrar University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore Pakistan, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani (Outfall) Road, Near Districts Courts Lahore.
All applications are to be sent with the bank draft drawn in favor of Treasurer University of Veterinary And Animal Sciences, Lahore. For the fee as mentioned in recruitment advertisement.
Download Application form: