I you are looking for jobs 2016 in Punjab highway patrol police department, its the time to make your dream a reality. Recruitment for Constable (Wireless Operator) under Punjab Police Telecommunication Wing has been started and department is looking for brave and daring Punjab domiciled individuals from all 36 districts of province to join and serve the wing. As a matter of fact, this session girls have also given an opportunity to participate and provide their services for. There are certain eligibility standards which need to be considerd before individuals proceed with application submission. Check link below for details like age limit, educational qualification requirements, height and physical standards assessment. Punjab Highway (Patrol) Police Jobs 2016 Latest Apply Now details and advertisement is published for February 2016 recruitment.
See: Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2016 Wireless Operator & Highway Patrol.
See: Motorway Police Jobs 2016 Eligibility Criteria & Details.
See application procedure and vacancies quota below.
Punjab Highway (Patrol) Police Jobs 2016 Latest Apply Now
Post Title:
- Wireless Operator (BS-05) Punjab Police Telecommunication Wing & Highway Patrol.
Application Process:
Job proforma for applications submission may be obtained from regional Police Headquarters Incharge Telecommunication Branch for payment of Rs.30/- total which is non refundable. Get one for you and submit it with requisite documents at same office before the last date.
Important Note:
Retired Army personnel may also apply, if they fulfill the eligibility criteria as specified for civilian candidates.
Closing Day for Applications:
10, February 2016.