Lahore Electric Supply Company also abbreviated as LESCO is hiring suitable individuals by NTS recruitment for its security staff based positions, that are being created recently to meet the security requirements under LESCO for one year contact basis. There are purely temporary adjustments but on a satisfactory performance, employees will be hired permanently under the same designation they are hired under. Individuals with minimum Matric qualification are required to be posted under the job designations such as Security Sergeant and Security Guard. Important thing to be noticed here is, only Armed forces retired personnel are invited to apply. National Testing Service Pakistan would soon provided the test syllabus and would conduct test on a specified date to shortlist suitable individuals against the the posts so advertised. LESCO Jobs Opportunity 2016 Application Form & latest Advertisement is published under Nawaiwakt Newspaper on Tuesday 21st of June 2016.
See job related details like name of post, basic pay scales under they are announced, total number of seats, age limit, how to apply and deadline for form submission, under section upcoming.
LESCO Jobs Opportunity 2016 Application Form & Advertisement
Advertised Posts Are:
- Security Sergeant (BPS-08)/22 Vacancies.
- Security Guard (BPS-06)/101 Vacancies.
Age Limit (Fixed):
Up to 40 years is the upper age allowed, but still 05 years of age relaxation may be awarded, hence making it 45 years.
How to Apply…???
Only NTS application (on prescribed form) will be entertained from suitable individuals only. Submit your proforma with original deposit slip of Rupees 450/- Test fee at online bank branch of HBL, UBL, ABL or MCB. Send this proforma with attested copies of all documents, discharge book, experience certificates, CNIC, Domicile and 02 recent photos at address below.
Due Date to Consider:
Apply up to 22-07-2016.