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KPPSC Civil Judges Rejected Candidates 2016 Recruitment

Here we update the complete list of rejected candidates with reason for rejection, who have applied for posts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPPSC Civil Judges Cum Judicial Magistrate (BPS-18).

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission KPPSC had announced posts for Civil Judges Cum Magistrates in the month of October 2015. Thousands of candidates have applied for vacancies so announced. Minimum qualification requirement was held has LLB with 02 years lower court experience, also 32 is the maximum age limit fixed (upper age limit) which is relaxed for those who have already applied in 2013. Now after compiling the documents sent by individuals KPPSC has reached to conclusion that not all the candidates are eligible for written examination for Civil Judges Recruitment in KPK under Peshawar High Court for session 2016. Hence many applications have been rejected in due course for the candidates who are lacking in experience or have provided insufficient documents. Age factor was another important aspect which was considered to shortlist candidates for induction. So those applicants who do not fulfill the age criteria are also rejected and are advised to contact the official authority in case of any query about the same. Total 996 candidates have been found lacking in meeting the eligibility criteria.

See: Civil Judges Posts Announced KPK 2015 Latest Advertisement.

Below is the list of those candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria for Civil Judges Cum Judicial Magistrates/Allaqa Qazi jobs 2016 in KPK.

KPPSC Civil Judges Rejected Candidates 2016 Recruitment

Contact before 8th of January 2016, for queries.

Contact Numbers: +92‐091‐9214131, 9212897, 9213563, 9213750 and Extension: 1082

List of Rejected Candidates:

Complete list of rejected candidates who have been declared as disqualified can be checked by following the link provided below.

There may be some reasons for rejection, which stands as;

  • No Required Experience.
  • Overage.
  • No Option Selected.
  • Experience Incomplete.
  • Not meeting the minimum eligibility criteria.

See List Here. Reason of Rejection Can Be Seen in front of Each Name.

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