Azad Kashmir Police Jobs 2016 for Constables are open, NTS Test would be conducted to shortlist candidates, application form and NTS test details are to be discussed here. Important thing to be noticed is, AJK Police department has hired the services of National Testing Service Pakistan to get applications not only from male but female candidates as well. Matriculation is the minimum qualification standards for candidates to participate in recruitment process. Azad Kashmir Police Jobs 2016 for Constables NTS Test information and latest advertisement is published on 05, January 2016 (Tuesday). (Check All Latest Police Jobs 2016 in Pakistan).
See: AJK Police Constables Recruitment 2016.
We advise users to check complete eligibility criteria (age limit, age relaxation, qualification criteria, height, weight etc) in section below to correctly assess whether you are eligible for recruitment or not.
Azad Kashmir Police Jobs 2016 for Constables NTS Test, Details
Do You Know…??? Punjab Police has also started recruitment process for constables in Police Respond Unit, Check details in link below.
Check: Punjab Police Constables Recruitment 2016 Lahore PRU.
Eligibility Criteria:
Qualification criteria is almost similar for both male and female individuals, but physical standards differ literally, so we advise aspirants to have a look at eligibility standards provided below.
For Male Candidates:
Matric is the minimum qualification with 5.7 feet/inches height and 18-28 years age limit. In case of retired Armed personnel, maximum age should not be more than 28 years after excluding service tenure. A male candidates would be able to complete 1 mile of running in 7 minutes, 20 Sit Ups, 15 Push Ups and 3 Pull Ups (chin ups). Chest standards are 33 and 34, 1/2 with expansion.
For Female Candidates:
5.3″ feet inches is the minimum height required for ladies and 1 mile run in 10 minutes, while rest the whole criteria is same as gents (excluding chest measurement).
Selection Procedure:
Selection and shortlisting suitable candidates, would comprise following steps.
- Medical/Physical tests (measurement).
- Physical Tests.
- Written Test.
- Result for written part of test.
- Final interview.
How to Apply for Azad Kashmir Police Jobs 2016:
Download prescribed application proforma available at link below with deposit slip. Fill it up with all relevant and updated information and submit application fee RS. 650/- on deposit slip and send complete application package with attested copies of certificates, Domicile, CNIC and 02 recent (Blue Background) photographs at address: NTS Headquarter: 1-E Street No 46, Sector I-8/2 Islamabad.
>>>> More Details Check Here.
>>>> Download Application Form.
Application Deadline:
Last date to receive applications is 20, January 2016, consider applying before the due date.