www.joinpaknavy.gov.pk offers latest jobs in January 2016 for male & females and online registration (Sailor Batch A-2016 S) is open for Marine, Technical and Technician trades-branches.
See: Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor A-2016 (S) Batch Registration.
This is an important announcement for those who are looking to join Pakistan Navy after completing their Matriculation with minimum 60 percent marks. Amazing thing to be noticed is, Both girls and boys can apply for different branches and serve Pak Navy with pride. Pakistan Navy also known as Pak Bahria is a marine warfare branch of Pakistan Armed forces which is privileged to secure more than 1000 KM sea boundary, using latest sub-marines, Aircrafts, Helicopters, Ships and above all the most trained and brave SSG and Marines, strengthening the defense of country a step ahead. In addition to warfare branches, Naval force also comprises technical and medical trades which are mandatory to be recruited wit professional and talented staff. So in order to meet this requirement applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals (KPK, Sindh (R), Sindh (U), Punjab, Balochistan, AJK, FATA) to join Technical Branch, Marine Branch and Medical Branch as Lady Technician or Female Medical Technician (FMT) (Join Pakistan Marine Academy as Cadet in Merchant Navy).
www.joinpaknavy.gov.pk Jobs 2016 for Male & Females Latest, Details
For Females:
Apply in confidence for Female Medical Technicians Recruitment after qualification as Matric in biology. 65 % marks and 16-20 years age and 5.0″ feet inches, height is requirement. While no age relaxation has been offered.
For Males:
Join Technical branch after completing Matric in science with 65% marks, 16-20 years age and 5.4″ fee inches height.
Join Marine branch after completing Matric Science or Arts with 60% marks, 17-21 years age and 5.6 feet inches height, while no age relaxation is being offered. For more details about the eligibility criteria click the link provided below.
See: All Latest Pak Navy Jobs in Pakistan.
How to Apply for www.joinpaknavy.gov.pk Jobs 2016:
Online registration is started for induction in above mentioned trades, all you need to do is, click the link below and find online registration link and fill up application form with due care and submit it.
>>>> Online Registration.
Last Date to Apply for Registration:
Registration has been started from 04-01-2016 and will lasts till 20-01-2016. Apply in confidence before the expiry date for the receipt of applications.