Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Rescue 1122 service Peshawar KPK, for extending its horizons at Swabi, Mansehra, Lower Dir and District Bannu, invites applications on a prescribed format from KPK domiciled individuals having M.B.B.S, Master’s, Bachelors, Intermediate, DAE, Matriculation and Primary qualification in different disciplines under various trades of KPK Rescue 1122 for the designations mentioned below. This recruitment will be carried out by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government ( hence interested folks having residency in all districts of the province namely, Abbottabad, Bannu, Peshawar, Upper Dir, Haripur, Mansehra, Kohat and others are warmly welcome to be a part of this Government department. Rescue 1122 Jobs 2016 KPK Application Form and latest advertisement is published in The Nation (Newspaper) on 10-01-2016.
See: KPK Rescue 1122 Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement.
Visit related job particulars in officially announced notification below.
Rescue 1122 Jobs 2016 KPK Application Form And Details
Post Names Are:
- District Emergency Officer (BPS-18),
- Emergency Officer (BPS-17),
- Office Superintendent (BPS-17),
- Station House Incharge (BPS-16),
- Transport Maintenance Incharge (BPS-14),
- Shift Incharge (BPS-12),
- Wireless Technician (BPS-12),
- Computer Operator, Wireless Operator,
- Telephone Operator,
- Control Room Incharge (BPS-16),
- Accounts Assistant (BPS-14),
- Office Assistant (BPS-14),
- Diving Supervisor,
- Emergency Medical Technician (BPS-11),
- DERT Rescuers, Fire Rescuers (BPS-11),
- Electrical Technicians, Divers, Senior Store Keeper,
- Auto Technician, Security Incharge,
- Junior Clerks (BPS-07),
- Operator For Heavy Machinery (BPS-07),
- Helper heavy Machinery (BS-05),
- Store Keepers (BS-05),
- Driver LTV (BS-04),
- Driver HTV (BS-04),
- Office Attendants (BS-02),
- Security Guards (BS-01),
- Gardner Mali (BS-01).
How to Apply for Rescue 1122 Jobs 2016:
Application form is presented before users annexed with official advertisement (or download it with link below) published by competent authority in section below. Send duly filled application on this proforma at address mentioned below.
Apply within 15 days of the publication of officially announced notification.