Pakistani nationals from all four provinces, northern areas, and other locations are invited online to apply against the posts that are vacant under HR1384 A Public Sector Organization (KRL), operational at Islamabad. Interested individuals may apply online or offline by following the procedure mentioned below. Organization is looking to hire only those who have got talent and motivation to work hard and provide their quality driven services during job operations. Male and Females, who have completed their Intermediate and Bachelor’s or Master’s level Degree titled as L.L.B, M.BA, M.A Mass Communication, M.SC (Biology, Chemistry), DAE, B.A, B.SC, B.COM, are eligible to apply, further, Armed forces retired individuals are also welcome to be considered against the posts mentioned thereof. This career opportunity is intended to adjust suitable folks under different designations like, Legal Officer, Junior Executive, Secondary School Teacher, Primary School Teacher, Technician, Junior Assistant, Engineering Assistant and other lower scale based posts. Public Sector PO Box 1384 Islamabad Jobs 2016 Apply Online information and latest advertisement is published under Daily The News (Newspaper) on Sunday 25th of September 2016.
Some posts are on temporary, basis and other are on contractual period, Do check the posts title, last date to apply and official notification etc, below.
Public Sector PO Box 1384 Islamabad Jobs 2016 Apply Online
- Law Officer (Legal).
- Junior Executive-I (Admin).
- Junior Executive-I (Public Relations).
- Secondary School Teacher (Biology).
- Secondary School Teacher (Chemistry).
- Secondary School Teacher (General).
- Junior Executive II/III/Junior Assistant-I.
- Vehicle Mechanic/Supervisor.
- Senior Engineering Assistant.
- Scientific Assistant-I (Physics, Geology).
- Engineering Assistant (Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Civil, Telecom, Auto & Diesel, IT, R& C.
- Junior Assistant-I (Admin, Store).
- Tech-II (Bench Fitter, Book Binder, Generator Operations & Maintenance, Electrician, Electronics, Fabricator, Machinist, Vechicle Mechanic, Carpenter).
- Scientific Assistant-II (Physics, Chemistry).
- Junior Assistant-II (Admin).
- Caretaker, Helper, Lifeguard, Cook, Driver & Others.
How to Apply At Public Sector PO Box 1384 Islamabad For Jobs 2016:
Individuals may have to apply online or offline as per the post code they are intending to apply against. Consider having a check with an advertisement below or visit official job Portal for more details.
>>>>>> Official Job Portal.
Apply Up To:
Last date for the receipt of an application is October 10, 2016.