Download PEC 5th Class Date Sheet for Annual Examination 2018: For all education boards of the province, The Punjab Examination Commission has announced the date sheet for the 5th class annual exam and the commencement of the same is from 3rd of February, 2018 which will last till 14-02-2018. Students who have studied the formal course for the 5th standard throughout the year will have to appear for each individual paper including Urdu, Science, English, Mathematics, Islamiat (written), Ethics (for non-muslims) and Islamiat (Nazra). Roll numbers have already been allotted to each student and slips are being distributed from the respective schools. The time gap amongst the papers is not much to be considered to prepare well by utilizing that span, hence aspiring candidates are highly advised to start their paper-wise study as soon as possible.The date sheet published here is posted after the official announcement by the Punjab Examination Commission Wahdat Colony Lahore and is duly authorized by the deputy director (CIC). PEC 5th Class Date Sheet 2018 Punjab Examination Commission is published through JobsWorld.Pk on 1st of February, 2018.
Complete details concerning the paper timing, date, day, subject, coupled with pertinent information dispatched by the PEC could be checked below.
PEC 5th Class Date Sheet 2018 Punjab Examination Commission

Date | Day | Subject | Paper Timing |
03-02-2018 | Saturday | Urdu | 11:00 – 1:45 |
06-02-2018 | Tuesday | Science | 11:00 – 1:45 |
08-02-2018 | Thursday | English | 11:00 – 1:45 |
10-02-2018 | Saturday | Mathematics | 11:00 – 1:45 |
13-02-2018 | Tuesday | Islamiat (Written)
Ethics (Non-Muslims) |
11:00 – 12:45
11:00 – 1:45 |
14-02-2018 | Wednesday | Islamiat (Nazra) | 10:00 – 3:30 |
Important Instructions By PEC For Students:
- Each candidate has to each the examination centre, 30 minutes before the commencement of the paper.
- It’s mandatory for each candidate to bring the roll-number slip on each paper day and get the same signed by the examiner.
- Bring exam pads and a ballpoint/pen.
- Don’t write your roll number other than the designated place and avoid writing the school name at any place on the paper.
- Mobile phones and calculator is strictly prohibited.
- Appear for the paper without proper school uniform and batch.
- Qualifying for Islamiat paper and nazra is separately required.
Where to Download PEC 5th Class Date Sheet 2018:
Click the link below and download the detailed examination schedule in PDF format.
Image For PEC 5th Class Date Sheet: