Public Notice 01/2016 for recruitment at a Public Sector Organization (Jobs Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, PAEC) is being issued and Pakistani national are encouraged to apply against vacancies created under the organization for which applications are required at C/O Sui Gas Project Chashma, New Colony District Mianwali. Candidates residing and domiciled from any part of Pakistan including KPK, Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit, Balochistan and AJK are welcome to apply for Pr. Tech (Boiler), Telecom Operator, Jr-Assistant Admin, Scientific Assistant, Tech and Dispatch Rider, if they have attained minimum qualification as Ist class Boiler Engineering Certificate, Intermediate, B.COM, BBA, BCS (02 Years), BA, BSC or Matric. PAEC Jobs Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission 2016 latest advertisement is published in daily Jang newspaper on 21-02-2016 (Sunday).
See: All Latest Government Jobs in Pakistan, Click Here.
Check posts nomenclature, basic pay scale, how to apply and last date etc below, while for detailed eligibility criteria assessment, consider having a look at notice posted below.
PAEC Jobs Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission 2016
PAEC Advertised Posts & Pay Scale:
- Pr. Tech Boiler (Scale Equivalent to BPS-14).
- Telecom Operator-1 (Scale Equivalent to BPS-10).
- Jr. Assistant-1 (Admin) (Scale Equivalent to BPS-10).
- Scientific Assistant-III (Scale Equivalent to BPS-06).
- Tech-III (Scale Equivalent to BPS-06).
- Dispatch Rider-III (Scale Equivalent to BPS-06).
Upper Age Limit:
35 years is the upper age limit for all above mentioned posts.
Salary & Other Benefits:
Salary based on special pay scale will be paid along with allowances such as Medical, House Rent, NCA Service, Hard Area etc at such rates and scales as may be prescribed by organization from time to time.
How to Apply for Jobs in Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission 2016:
Interested candidates are advised to send complete applications with attested copies of certificates (academic, experience) with 02 recent photos, CNIC Copy, Domicile copy at address below, within the deadline date. Applications reached after due date or in incomplete format will not be entertained.
Admin Officer (Estt-I) C/O Sui Gas Project Chashma, New Colony, Distt Mianwali.
Last Date to Apply:
Apply in confidence, but within 15 days of the publication date of this advertisement.