NESPAK Foundation requires the services (on, when required basis) from diligent, skilled and suitably qualified individuals from all over the country against the support staff based and technical positions under various trades. NESPAK Foundation is a non-governmental organization operational in different areas of Pakistan and its major task is to properly utilize the funds reserved for various welfare activities and for different grants by the organization for serving the retired employees of NESPAK (Engineering Consultancy Service). Suitably qualified (M.SC Applied Geology, Telecom, Computer Sciences, Geography, Regional Planning, Sociology, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Space Sciences, B.SC Electrical, Electronics, Chemical, Telecom, Architecture, Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil , DAE, Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Architectural and Drafting) and experienced individuals with equivalent experience are highly encouraged to appear for the selection procedure (test and interviews). An important thing about the said recruitment is, on selection of an individual his/her services will be called upon for the project specified on the basis of need. So project to project calls will be made to an individual as per the requirements of the organization. NESPAK Foundation Jobs 2017 Master’s & Bachelor’s Apply Online information and latest advertisement is published on 26th of September, 2017.
Check other pertinent job details covering the posts titles, age limitations and last date to apply etc, under the proceeding section.
NESPAK Foundation Jobs 2017 Master’s & Bachelor’s Apply Online
Posts Nomenclature & Age Limit:
- Geologist/Max. 35 Years.
- IT Specialists/Max. 35 Years.
- GIS/REMOTE Sensing Analysts/Max. 35 Years.
- Town Planners/Max. 35 Years.
- Experts/Max. 35 Years.
- Field Assistant/Quantity Surveyor/Sub-Engineer/Draftsman/Inspector/Max. 35 Years.
- Sociologists/Max. 35 Years.
- Agronomists/Soil Scientists/ Max. 35 Years.
Where & How to Apply…???
All applications are required to be processed online, proceed with the link provided below, get registered by providing significant information marked and after submitting a duly created resume, apply for the post you are falling in a best match with.
>>>> Apply Online Here.
Note: Do consider visiting the eligibility criteria in detail by clicking the small “View” button in front of each designation.
Application’s Deadline:
3rd of October, 2017 is the last date to accept applications, sent through the proper channel.