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Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 37th Graduate Course 2017

Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders from AJK and Gilgit Baltistan are invited to proceed with the registration for Joining Pakistan Army as a Commissioned Officer through a Fast-Track regular commission under 37th Graduate course 2017. Only male candidates are eligible to be considered against the induction and 55% marks in Bachelor’s (BA, BSC, BS, BBA, BPA) and 50% in FA, F.SC or equivalent is the minimal marks requirement as per the official information disseminated. This course is limited to one year only and already serving Army soldiers are also eligible to apply if they have acquired the required qualification and met the other criteria terms. Individuals may also avail this opportunity even if they have passed BA, B.SC Part-I examination with 55% marks and are appearing or have appeared (waiting for result) for Part-II Exams. Further, in such a case, applicant has to bring “Hope Certificate” signed by the head of institution to attain the required marks. Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 37th Graduate Course 2017 latest advertisement is published under daily Jang newspaper on Sunday 18th of June 2017. www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk.

Terms settled for an aspirant to be considered as eligible are comprising the Gender, age limitation fixed, height and weight. also the Ineligibility terms are required to be checked below.

Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 37th Graduate Course 2017

Qualification Gender/Status  Age Limit Height/Weight Nationality Ineligibility

BS, With 55% Marks.

Un-Married Male Citizens. 20-2 Years. 5.4 (162.5 cm)/As per body mass index. Pakistani National. Twice Rejected by ISSB/Medically Unft.

Registration & Preliminary Selection:

Follow the link provided below for online registration, after concerning the eligibility terms mentioned above, submit a duly filled form and print/download successful registration/admit/exam slip. Appear on respective AS & RC for initial tests, physical testing, medical examination and for interviews at selection centres.

>>> Registration Form.

>>> More Details.

Pertinent Dates:

Starting date for online registration is 19th of June, 2017.

Ending or last date for online form submission is 19th of July, 2017.

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