Wapda Power Station Tarbela is inviting applications for recruitment 2016 against multiple positions vacant at the project, hence candidates from KPK, Punjab, Sindh and FATA may apply for vacancies advertised on provincial quota, Employees Son quota and on merit basis. This is an opportunity to server Water And Power Development Authority’s ongoing project at Tarbela Dam Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Swabi. Only male individuals are encouraged to apply, who have obtained minimum Matric level qualification with experience in relevant trade, as specified by competent authority. Jobs in Wapda Power Station Tarbela 2016 Application Form and latest advertisement is published Today on 31st of January for February 2016 recruitment (Daily Jang newspaper).
Posts nomenclature with total number of vacancies and basic pay scale can be checked below.
Jobs in Wapda Power Station Tarbela 2016 Application Form
Advertised Posts Are:
- ASA (BPS-05)/30 Posts.
- Lift Attendant (BPS-05)/01 Post.
- Mason (BPS-05)/01 Post.
- Plumber (BPS-05)/04 Posts.
- Pump Operator (BPS-05)/02 Posts.
- Telephone Lineman (BPS-05)/02 Post.
- Carpenter (BPS-05)/01 Post.
- Rigger (BPS-04)/01 Post.
- Store Helper (BPS-03)/01 Post.
- Bus Conductor (BPS-03)/03 Posts
Age Limit:
18-30 years is the lower and upper age limit fixed.
How to Apply for Jobs in Wapda Power Station Tarbela 2016:
Applications on a prescribed proforma (provided with notice below) with technical certificate, copies of academic certificates, professional certificates, CNIC Copy, Domicile copy with recent photograph should be sent at address below.
Chief Engineer (Power) Tarbela Dam, District Swabi, Khyber Pakhunkhwa.
Apply within 15 days of official advertisement’s publication.