Federal Govt Department requires applications from well qualified folks having being experienced in respective fields as for GPO Lahore PO Box No. 26 Jobs Opportunity is announced. Vacancies are for Senior Assistant, Junior Personal Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Sub-Assistant, Staff Car Driver and some other positions.
Consider having a look at the eligibility criteria, experience and other details for the said posts below.
GPO Lahore PO Box No. 26 Federal Govt Jobs Opportunity Details:
Senior Assistant | B/A/B.SC | 18-25 Age |
Junior Personal Assistant | Intermediate. | 18-25 Age |
Data Entry Operator | B.SC Physics/Mathematics/
Economics. |
18-25 Age |
Junior Assistant | F.A/F.SC or Equivalent. | 18-25 Age |
Sub-Assistant | Matric. | 18-25 Age |
Staff Car Driver | Primary Pass with valid driving licence. | 18-25 Age |
Naib Qasid | Primary Pass. | 18-25 Age |
Chowkidar | Primary Pass/Preference to Armed forces retired. | 18-25 Age |
Mali | Primary Pass. | 18-25 Age |
Application Procedure:
Applications on prescribed form available with the advertisement below, should reach the address: GPO Lahore PO Box No. 26.
Last date for Applications:
02-10-2015, would be considered as final day for applications.