Educators Teachers (Sience & Arts) 48,000 Posts 2016 Jobs Latest Information is to be notified here. We have decided to write this article after consulting too many emails and comments dispatched recently to other related posts concerning Induction of 48,000 Educators Teachers Jobs in Punjab 2016. Much of the queries are about the subjects (mandatory) for applications, Conventional academic education (FA, BA, BSC, MA, MSC) ,professional qualification (BED, MED), NTS application form, NTS Educators Recruitment Test-Result and about the possibility for fresh graduates to take part in upcoming recruitment. All these queries are warmly welcomed by our staff and answered straightaway, but still the official advertisement would reveal, what eligibility criteria they are going to put forward this time. JobsWorld.PK.
See: Educators Jobs 2016 Announced For All Punjab Districts
As a matter of fact, all information regarding this is in need of a rectification, by official announcement of coming soon/expected vacancies. We just deliver information on behalf of previous recruitment which was carried out in 2015. As per recent induction, professional qualification like B.ED and M.ED is mandatory along with academic qualification, While minimum qualification is not Intermediate but Minimum bachelor’s is what required for ESE, SESE and SSE posts in BS-9, BS-14 and BS-16. Intermediate qualifiers are only eligible if they belong to far flung areas or villages of Punjab. JobsWorld.PK.
Educators Teachers 48,000 Posts 2016 Jobs Latest Information
As per latest information, Punjab Government seems, pretty much committed to recruit 48000 educators per year to overcome the shortage of teachers in elementary, secondary and higher secondary schools. This initiative is based on fact that, privileged areas are blessed with well qualified and experience teachers all around, but remote areas are seriously lacking in quality education, just because of shortfall of teachers in Government and private schools. So secretary education has issued directions to district education officer’s to consider the new policy and induct enough teachers to fulfill the needs of individual schools or educational institutes. JobsWorld.PK.
See: Educators Jobs 2016 in Punjab Latest Information.
Application Forms for Educators 2016 Jobs:
We are more than committed to provide authentic and on time information to our viewers, But we can only make sure the availability of application forms, after the official announcement, permission and upload by competent authority. So fingers crossed till, we are notified in this concern. We the team of JobsWorld.PK advise our viewers to keep visiting this page for all latest updated regarding “coming soon” educators seats.