Multiple positions against the designation of Relationship Executives are open at Bank Alfalah limited. Bank is currently operational in country while providing quality based loan offering services and financial support to its customers with reliability and a huge user dependability. Currently, institution is looking to hire energetic, self-motivated and highly confident individuals to hold this prominent post at Bank Alfalah Ltd’s branches at Karachi. Becoming a part of team doesn’t only delivers a pertinent and prominent allocation, side by side but a professional environment to gain some experience that is enough to groom incumbent’s personality and making him/her a preferred choice for Banking sector job opportunities in Pakistan. Bank Alfalah Ltd Jobs 2016 For Relationship Executives latest advertisement is published today on Sunday 17th of July 2016 in Daily Jang newspaper.
Under section next to this, aspirants may check job particulars and eligibility criteria details like, age limit, qualification, experience and also a guideline to process applications.
Bank Alfalah Ltd Jobs 2016 For Relationship Executives
Post Title:
- Relationship Executive (s) Karachi based posts.
- ACA Trainee (Nationwide).
Qualification & Experience Demand:
Enthusiastic individuals having minimum 14 years of education from HEC recognized institutions with at least 2.5 CGPA or 50% in annual system are allowed to apply. But an aspirant/applicant with further education (16 years) will be preferred. Fresh graduates or with 1-2 years of sale experience or in banking field are required.
Age Criteria:
26 is the basis upper age limit for all candidates, which can be further relaxed on achievement of higher qualification.
Where to Apply & How:
Applications are required to be processed online up to the deadline date by submitting them online on a proforma specified.
>>>>> Apply Online for Positions.
Official Deadline:
Proceed with application latest by 25 July 2016.